

现在接受2024年秋季课程的申请! 见下文 申请详情. 

格温内斯仁慈大学’s Master of Public 健康 (MPH) degree is an online program that will prepare you to become a public health leader in a critical, 日益增长的, 快速发展的领域.
在短短20个月内完成我们的硕士学位. 参加全日制或非全日制学生,以适应您的时间表. 不需要GRE申请.



  • Public health professionals or students who want to work in a non-clinical healthcare setting, 寻求职业发展, 或者提高他们在该领域的知识
  • 健康care educators, professionals, or students interested in working in a public health setting
  • 商务人士或想从事卫生管理工作的学生
2024年秋季(不需要GRE) 应用)





10%的学费补助 为GMercyU毕业生准备的


格温内斯仁慈大学 is an applicant for accreditation by 的 Council on Education for Public 健康 (CEPH). The accreditation review will address 的 Master of Public 健康 and Bachelor of Science in Public 健康 degrees. O的r degrees and areas of study offered by this institution will not be included in 的 unit of accreditation review. 看到 http://ceph.org 了解更多信息.

这是我们地区唯一一个提供健康权益集中的项目, GMercyU’s online MPH degree will prepare you to identify underlying causes of health disparities in disadvant年龄d communities in 的 U.S. 并制定有效的战略来解决这些问题.

The program includes a focus on developing public health skills relevant to 的 breadth of public health practice. 课程涉及流行病学, 项目规划与评估, 环境卫生, 政策,  宣传, 以及公共卫生领导力.


  • 由公共卫生专家讲授的课程
  • 一个灵活的全职或兼职课程,在线提供
  • 该领域的研究和实习机会

和, you will learn at an institution whose history and mission is rooted in service – at GMercyU, 几十年来,我们一直在培养变革者和社会正义倡导者.

Master of Public 健康 (MPH) students must complete 42 credits in public health courses. 课程 are designed to help students become competent and confident in 的 application of skills used in 的 field of public health. 

The initial courses focus on an integrated core curriculum that addresses 的 knowledge and competencies foundational to public health:

600酒吧 公共卫生和卫生公平的基础
610酒吧   公共卫生分析方法1
620酒吧 卫生公平:政策 & 宣传
630酒吧 公共卫生分析方法2
640酒吧 规划和管理公共卫生干预措施

在完成这些基础课程之后, students will have 的 opportunity to utilize 的se public health skills in an Applied Practical Experience (PUB-700) with a public health organization in 的ir community.

The onlien MPH degree at 格温内斯仁慈大学 includes a concentration in 健康 Equity. 卫生公平是我们所有课程的核心, students will take three concentration courses to fur的r develop public health skills in courses that address specific strategies for addressing health disparities and achieving health equity in domestic and international populations.

650酒吧 环境健康公平
720酒吧 卫生公平的结构性障碍
750酒吧 全球卫生公平


710酒吧 促进健康的传播战略
730酒吧 健康教育计划的协同设计
740酒吧 应用流行病学
760酒吧 公共卫生定性研究方法

制作期末考试, 高质量的, written product developed during 的 Integrative 学习ing Experience (PUB-790) in 的 last semester will allow students to syn的size 的 skills learned throughout 的 program.

有关所有公共卫生硕士课程的描述,请参阅 研究生课程目录.

Sharla Willis博士,chs
你知道吗?? Dr. 威利斯完成了一个W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community 健康 Scholars postdoctoral fellowship at 的 University of Michigan focused on community-based participatory research.


Victory Osezua博士
Victory Osezua,博士,公共卫生硕士

位置: 助理教授
你知道吗?? Dr. Osezua also works as an independent public health consultant for various 非营利组织 across 的 country.


玛丽亚·沃尼克博士.D. CRNP FNP-BC
Maria 沃尼克博士,CRNP FNP-BC

位置: 助理教授
你知道吗?? Dr. 沃尼克 completed a doctoral program in public health with a focus in epidemiology after years of experience as a family nurse practitioner.

Gwynedd Mercy的公共卫生硕士课程对我的职业生涯有很大帮助. The program's emphasis on health equity has equipped me with 的 knowledge to better understand 的 multifaceted disparities impacting 的 communities I serve. 来自全体教员无与伦比的支持, 再加上凯斯图书馆提供的特殊资源, 极大地丰富了我的学术经验. 这个学位不仅对我的事业有帮助, but it has given me a greater perspective on 的 interconnectedness and significance of public health.



Even before 的 COVID-19 public health emergency, public health has been a field in need of workers.

今天, job opportunities in this field are expected to increase nationally by 17% through 2032, 是全国平均水平的两倍多, 劳工统计局的报告.

根据2017年对州和地方公共卫生工作者的调查, 22%的人计划在未来五年内退休(德博蒙特基金会), 2019). 在费城地区, 拥有公共卫生学士学位的人的平均工资约为68美元,这是该地区平均工资的两倍多, Burning Glass Technologies进行的一项调查显示.

公共卫生是一个广泛而多样的领域. Experts are needed all over 的 world to work for government health departments and 年龄ncies, 私营企业, 非营利组织, 社区诊所, 学校, 和更多的.

拥有公共卫生硕士学位, public health professionals can advance into man年龄ment positions and enjoy a career in which 的y can make a difference and a living, 同时也受益于就业机会的增加.


位置 平均年薪2022 到2032年的预期增长
医疗卫生服务经理 $104,830 28%
环境专家 $76,480 6%
流行病学家 $78,520 27%
职业健康 & 安全专家 $75,240 13%
社会和社区服务经理 $74,240 9%
健康教育工作者 $59,990 7%

美国所有职业的预期就业增长率.S. 是3%,根据劳工统计局的数据.


目前正在接受2024年秋季课程的申请. 准备申请? 首先通过以下方式提交申请 SOPHAS, 公共卫生研究生集中申请服务.
GMercyU的校友们,利用我们的 硕士学位项目校友学费补助10%
现在的学生,谁可以开始在你的大四攻读公共卫生硕士,应该看到 的 提前进入公共卫生硕士页面 有关申请详情.


不需要GRE. 在线硕士学位课程的入学要求包括:

  • 成绩单 from all undergraduate institutions you attended; please submit any post graduate work as well. 成绩单必须由你的学院提交给GMercyU.
  • A 250-500 word essay identifying a public health issue in your community and how an MPH would help you address this issue
  • Two letters of reference from people who can speak to your ability to succeed in and benefit from 的 MPH program, 最好是来自导师或主管的学术或专业推荐信
  • 最近的简历或履历
  • Access to a computer and internet connection in order to successfully complete online coursework

Applications are reviewed holistically to make a determination of applicants’ ability to thrive in our graduate program. 我们寻找:

  • Demonstrated academic ability in your undergraduate transcript, generally defined as:
    • 累积平均分不低于3分.在四分制或同等等级中为0分,以及
    • 在数学、科学和写作强化课程中表现一致.
    • 注:虽然GRE不需要,但那些本科GPA低于3的学生.以上课程成绩为0分或欠缺者,可提交GRE成绩供参考.
  • 较强的书面沟通能力,通过以下方式评估:
    • 你的文章
    • 成绩单
    • 参考文献
  • A strong interest in 的 field of public health and addressing 的 health needs of communities. 请记住:
    • 我们的项目欢迎目前在公共卫生领域工作的人, 转行人士和应届毕业生. 你的个人经验是有价值的.
    • Public health is an interdisciplinary field, so all academic backgrounds are relevant.
    • 你的文章将帮助我们理解你为什么对公共卫生感兴趣. It is okay if you do not yet have a specific career goal or public health area identified, 因为您将有机会在公共卫生硕士课程期间探索该领域. 如果你有公共卫生经验或详细的公共卫生职业目标, 请在你的论文和简历中分享这些.

*Since this is a fully online program, GMercyU cannot sponsor any student VISAs for 的 MPH degree. 对公共卫生硕士项目感兴趣的国际学生, we recommend that you first check with your government's policies to determine if 的y accept online U.S. 学位作为有效的学位,然后再考虑这个项目.

对录取过程有疑问吗? 我们是来帮忙的! 请联络我们:

